Plastic-Free July
How is your "Plastic-Diet" for Plastic-Free July going? Are there any daily habits you've found simple to take onwards with you?
Easier things like carrying reusable bags are the simplest habits, or reusable coffee cups if you buy a daily coffee. You'd be amazed at how many bags/cups you've saved in the process!
There is often the assumption that it is okay to use/buy plastic covered items if you make sure to recycle the plastics at local supermarkets or within your local council kerbside recycling scheme. However, recycling plastic can be a minefield of problems.
Look at how many things are wrapped in plastic at the shops. Think about how difficult it is to identify what plastic each item is: therefore trying to recycle each and every piece of plastic produced is pretty much impossible, especially where technology is limited in certain recycling plants.
The best way to tackle this crisis is, if possible, to avoid the use of plastic in the first instance, especially when it comes to single-use disposable items.
Remember the 3 R's in order: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
To help you go plastic-free, the wonderful team at Plastic Soup Foundation have a created a plan to "Go On a Plastic Diet, with 7 Days to Change Your Ways". For 7 days, you will receive information, tips and tricks on how to reduce your plastic consumption if you sign up with them at: https://action.plasticsoupfoundation.org/en/plastic-diet/
Doing it together creates change!
A KIND CLOTH is in no way affiliated with the aforementioned companies. All views expressed are personal opinions.