2022 - Happy New Year!
New Year, New You?
I think it goes without saying that I sure hope the year 2022 brings us a kinder, healthier year for all.
Januarys are always a bleak time, as the excitement and run up of the holidays is now over. So why make it harder for yourself in making resolutions, adding undue pressure during an already low time.
Inspired by articles (from The Guardian) I'd read over the holidays, I thought it nice to share some of my favourite 'sustainable new year's resolutions' with you!
Simple daily gestures we can all take, being mindful, to make for a kinder place.
- Don't save clothes or crockery etc "for best". Wear them, use them, enjoy them!
- Always be willing to miss the next train/bus
- Be polite to rude strangers
- Use your umbrella with manners
- Never look at your phone when at dinner/talking to someone
- When walking or running, remove your headphones and just listen to your surroundings
- Tell someone their label's sticking out, especially if you don't know them!
- Learn names of people you come across regularly, shop assistants, security guards, cleaners etc, and use them
- Be open for conversation
- Listen
- Learn to laugh at yourself - no shame
- Set aside 10 minutes to do something you enjoy - whether it's reading a book, listening to a podcast, having a cup of tea, or just to sit!
Work-wise, 2021 was a big juggling act. I welcomed the plentiful bank holidays across Christmas and the New Year: the closure of Post Offices enabled me to take time off from this shop, without me feeling guilty. My mini-break away from here has done me wonders - I feel refreshed, and have a thousand ideas buzzing around my head. Most importantly, my 'sew-jo' is most definitely back, having been super inspired by seeing all your makes over the past year on various social media feeds. I now feel excited for the year ahead, and hope you share my optimism!
What would you like to see this year?