Screenings nationwide 15 September 2023
No spoilers as such, but a short review about this beautiful, gentle film!
Not a Hollywood blockbuster but a mesmerising and profound feature-documentary that makes you want to slow down your living. Or at least question your way of life! A reminder of living for you.
Along sensitive topics of grief, the film documents the process of textile artist, Allan Brown, over seven years as he first starts to play with the idea of whether common local stinging nettles can be turned into fibres to turn into fabric.
Cloth making becomes a process impregnated with what life throws at us. At moments during the process, he realises the enormity of the task he has made for himself but remembers to take just one step at a time. And with his gorgeous dog, Bonnie, by his side at all times.
Allan states that the dress he wants to make is never going to be haute couture. However it is the definition of slow fashion.
Sustainable cloth at its finest, each process is done by hand; picking, retting, spinning, weaving, sewing etc. The only energy used are in washing the cloth in hot water, and in ironing the cloth when making the dress.
Directed by Dylan Howitt, you can appreciate the craft in all its form by taking 68 minutes aside to watch this film! Selected screenings at cinemas across the UK from the 15th September. Please visit for more info.
Please note that A KIND CLOTH is in no way affiliated with the aforementioned company, and opinions expressed are the authors own.