Pile of small pieces of fabric scraps

That's right, you can make your very own unique one-off fabric!

Do you have lots of fabric scraps that you just don't know what to do with? Well here is a wonderful idea for you to try, and you can guarantee that no one else will have exactly the same end result!

This wonderful idea from some fabulous sewers on instagram: @coolstitches @whatlydiamade @andagainco

It's such a simple idea, and so fun to do. Please do check out their instagram accounts to watch their reels! 

  1. Cut up any fabric scraps into smaller pieces (or big pieces depending on what pattern you want to create). @coolstitches pours hers onto a cutting mat, then takes a rotary cutter to them.
  2. Sandwich the scraps between two layers of organza fabric
  3. Flatten it down so the scraps are even and not bulky in sections
  4. Use your sewing machine to sew diagonal lines across the sandwiched organza. Then across the other way to create squares
  5. Et voila, you have yourself a piece of quilted fabric!
  6. Now use your me-made fabric for your projects however you wish!

The creative possibilities are endless! And who doesn't love a zero-waste project!


Photo: @coolstitches on Instagram

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