Sewing is more than just sewing
What a year it's been. One filled with so many emotions and sought so much change. For some of us, we're starting to see some light to 'normality', but for others, there is still so much to bear. We're thinking of you, we're with you.
For the majority of us, lockdown was time spent at home, with more time to ourselves than we have ever wished for. Hobbies were renewed, with sewing proving to be a very popular one, and rightly so! What a wonderful way to both stay creative and be useful and practical during lockdown.
On social media, the sewing community flourished, with an amazing array of sewers, new and old and all those in between. Feeds were filled with inspiration and creations from all who cared to share, and we were delighted with challenges that tested our capabilities!
As we ease ourselves out of lockdown, some of us may find we have much less time than previously so. Some may find that we are scrolling on social media, in awe of our feeds, and of all the wonderful sewing pieces we see and then want to have a go at ourselves. More and more hashtag challenges crop up that we want to participate in, but we find ourselves with no time. "But sewing relaxes me" we might hear ourselves saying, only to find that our want of sewing just adds to our stress levels, and then worse, we berate ourselves for not being able to keep up with the rest of the sewing world.
THIS IS AN IMPORTANT REMINDER TO ALL: we've had a terrible year (and more), it's exhausting, and we are all doing the best we can do. There is no need to compare and judge ourselves with others. You never know what someone else is going through. And heck, if today, I simply don't feel like sewing (even if it means I'll miss a hashtag challenge deadline), then so be it.
Your mental health is so very important. Remember, our sewing community is about helping, and looking after each other in more ways than just about sewing. Be kind to ourselves, and each other. If you find yourself struggling in whatever way, please, reach out, you are not alone.